Wooden Wick Info


The uniqueness of the flame produced by wooden wick candles causes it to produce burning characteristics that are different from other candles. At Mandle Candle Co, you can purchase a wide range of wooden wick candles to enhance the atmosphere in your home.

Achieving the Best Burn

Some basic steps to help ensure you achieve the optimum burn with your Mandle Candles are as follows:

  • To ensure an even burn, light the wick across the candle as opposed to at only one end
  • Let the candle burn until the wax melts out to the edges of the container. You may have to let it burn anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Even if the flame appears to burn low at times, it will continue to burn. Ideally, a 3 to 4 hour burn time is recommended.
  • Protect the candle from areas where breezes, ceiling fans, and drafts are present
  • Do not move or handle the candle when it is burning
  • Maintain the wick and a length of between 1/8 and 1/4 inch. If the height of the flame exceeds 1 ½ inches or if the candle starts to smoke, blow out the candle, let the wax and wick cooldown. Then, softly run your fingers across the top of the wick to trim it. Before you relight the candle, remove all wick trimmings.
  • The candle is designed to extinguish itself when 3/8 inch wax remains

Results of Short Burn Time

First, make sure you remove the excess char off the wick before relighting the wick. you can use a knife or anything rigid to scrape the excess off. If you failed to burn your Mandle candle for the necessary length of time so that the melted wax extends to the sides of the jar, the subsequent times the candles lit pool wax will tunnel down the center of the jar instead of across the jar.

Additional Tips

Allowing the candle to burn for at least 2 or 3 hours will allow the melted wax pool to reach the sides of the jar and as a result optimize the burn time of the candle. In addition, it is important to keep the wick trimmed to a length of 1/8 of an inch. You can do so by using a wick trimmer or when the candle is cold, tap the excess wick with your fingers.

Finally, always place your candles on a heat resistant dry surface never put them on any surface or item that could catch fire. Before relighting or handling the candle, allowed to completely cool.